Saturday, March 7, 2009

I've Been Watching the Watchmen.

So for my first blog I wanted to talk about something that's been bothering me for almost the past ten years. Basically I've reached a point where nothing generates enthusiasm for me anymore when it comes to entertainment. I lack even the most basic interest in most things. Part of this stems from originality. It's like every concept has been done and we're just waiting to see how someone else tells the same story. It's boring and I honestly thought I would never get tired of reading and watching stuff. Hell, even The Dark Knight is a film that I will only set through maybe five or six more times in my life. I used to devour this stuff now I can barely hold my eyes open till the end. It's just strange to me.

Every now and again though I find something that pulls me out of that rut. This week it was Watchmen. I've read the book three times in my life and I've always regarded it as a piece of absolute brilliance. Alan Moore is a god among men in my opinion. So when it came time to watch the movie I removed all speculation and went into it a blank slate. Cause even if it sucked that doesn't change a damn thing in the book itself.

First off it didn't suck. Secondly I think I may have witnessed something that finally transcended the superhero genre on film. I've never been very critical of comic book movies for the simple reason that their existence is enough for me. As a kid I came from a time that couldn't produce a good comic movie to save it's life. There were a few exceptions but ultimately not very many. With Watchmen I sat in awe the entire film absorbing what being thrown onto the screen. It was completely unapologetic in regards to what it was. It designed a world that had existed only on pages before and gave it life. The actors didn't seem to falter on any level to me. They each had their dilemma and intent mapped out for them and behaved according to the writings of the book. It was breathtaking to see something so complex get translated so literally. Needless to say I was pulled out of my rut and thrown so high I've yet to come down.

Zach Snyder is a director that I had respect for even before this film. His Dawn of the Dead remake was stylish fun and 300 was an incredible love letter to Frank Miller's original book. I think with Watchman through he show his chops. This guy is a ballsy visionary for sure. He made the first big budget fan boy wet dream come true. Watchman is an achievement for superhero films for the simple reason that it refused to compromise. It wasn't scaled back, rather it went as far as you could take it in terms of content and visuals. I realize you could argue that Sin City did this first. Sin City isn't a superhero world though. It stylized crime noir. Watchmen is a superhero epic that brims over with high concepts and intrigue specifically tailored to the superhero genre. It's heady stuff and not the kind of product Hollywood does very often. Watchmen may be the first art house superhero flick.

I know this is a lot of ass kissing and comic babbling but I can't help it. The movie just kicked my ass so hard that it's impossible for me not to babble! For anyone on the fence about seeing it. I highly suggest it if you like movies with ideas rather than your standard Hollywood fair. The story here is pretty simple the world it takes place is not. Watchmen moves at a snails pace when you really look at it. It spends most of it's time creating things. Telling smaller stories of the individual characters rather than a overall plot. If you like that sort of thing, and I do, it may be the coolest visual experience you may have ever had up to this point.

Watchmen brought me back from the mundane. I feel like I've seen something for the first time. Rather than just seeing a variation. Go check it out! I'm done.

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